When you know where you wish to stay, this is where you need to book.
Cerulean, the world’s top luxury travel advisors, partnered with Virtuoso, the world’s top luxury hotel booking engine.


When you book a stay through our Virtuoso luxury hotel partnership, you’ll receive:
- Preferred rates and availability
- Room upgrades
- Breakfast daily for two
- Dining, resort, or hotel credits
- Exclusive amenities and experiences
After booking, we’ll ensure your travel preferences are communicated so that your stay is seamless, and you receive VIP status.
Need Inspiration, suggestions, tips, or a more personalized planning?
Do you need inspiration or some suggestions without having to involve our luxury advisors too much? No problem. We would love to help you chose and finalize your reservation
Frequently Asked Questions about the Cerulean Hotel Desk
What is the Cerulean Hotel Desk and when do I use it?
Our Cerulean Hotel Desk is a resource for clients to make hotel reservations for simple trips — when you know where you want to stay, and the expertise of our Travel Advisor team isn’t needed.
If detailed trip design, hotel consulting, concierge services, logistics support, or destination insight is needed, then working with one of our team of Travel Advisors will ensure the best experience.
If you prefer full-service support, or have a more complex trip in mind, please send us a Travel Request.
What are the advantages of booking via the Cerulean Hotel Desk?
Booking hotels via The Cerulean Hotel Desk typically entitles you to special amenities, including room upgrades, daily breakfast, welcome treats, and hotel credits (usually ~ $100) at our properties. Additionally, each reservation receives Cerulean’s personal attention as we ensure our VIP contacts at the hotel are dialed into your travel needs and preferences.
Reservations via the Cerulean Hotel Desk receive more personalized assistance and upgrade priority over most other booking channels, including Amex Platinum or other card programs.
How do I book a hotel using the Cerulean Hotel Desk?
It’s simple! You can search for availability, check room rates, and confirm reservations online using Cerulean’s custom Virtuoso booking portal.
When you’re ready, click the “Book A Luxury Hotel” link above from a desktop computer. You’ll be redirected to Cerulean’s custom Virtuoso booking portal where you can enter your search criteria. To view rates and availability, select your preferred hotel from the search results. Next you’ll see available room categories, rates and your complimentary Cerulean Virtuoso amenities to be included with your booking.
When you’re ready to confirm your booking, select the red “Book” button next to your selected room category. If it’s your first time booking, you’ll be asked to create an account, and once done, you’ll finish the reservation process.
If you’ve never worked with Cerulean or used the Cerulean Hotel Desk before, please complete your Client Hotel Preferences at the time of booking so we can advise the hotel and ensure your arrival, amenities and VIP treatment are as they should be! In any case, we’ll reach out to you after the booking is made to confirm it and request any other information needed.
If you have any issues or need assistance completing your booking, please contact us at hotels@ceruleanworldtravel.com.
What if I can’t find my hotel of interest?
Not all luxury hotels are available via the Virtuoso Booking Portal. If you can’t find one of interest, please submit a Cerulean Hotel Desk Inquiry or contact us via at hotels@ceruleanworldtravel.com.
Cerulean is a member of several preferred hotel programs which receive amenities similar to or better than what the Virtuoso booking portal provides. See our list of Luxury Hotel Partners and to take advantage of these programs, you can likewise submit a Cerulean Hotel Desk Inquiry.
Can I book Four Seasons hotels?
Four Seasons properties are not currently available online through the Virtuoso Booking Portal, however you’ll definitely want to book via Cerulean World Travel as we are a Four Seasons Preferred Partner (our Four Seasons guests receive upgrade priority above that of Virtuoso or Amex, for example). In this case please contact the Cerulean Hotel Desk by emailing hotels@ceruleanworldtravel.com or submitting a Cerulean Hotel Desk Inquiry.
I’m traveling within the next 24 hours. Can I use the Cerulean Hotel Desk?
The Virtuoso Booking Portal does not allow for bookings made within 24 hours of travel. Also, you cannot cancel or change a booking via the Virtuoso Booking Portal. Please contact us directly if you need to change or cancel your reservation or have a very last-moment request.
Can the Cerulean Hotel Desk help with transfers, dinner reservations, etc?
Once your hotel is confirmed, we offer two options for those who wish to book transfers, dinner reservations and the like. We will gladly connect you with the hotel Concierge directly, or we also offer our in-house Concierge Planning Desk at a rate of $100 per hour with a 1-hour minimum. Please contact us at hotels@ceruleanworldtravel.com in either case.
If you are planning an extensive itinerary with multiple hotels, transfers, guides, etc, you may prefer our custom itinerary planning service where we handle everything start to finish. In this case please share your interests using our Travel Request Form or schedule a complimentary consultation call here.
Are there any fees associated with booking through the Cerulean Hotel Desk?
There are no fees associated with booking through this platform. However, we do reserve the right to charge for last minute bookings or excessive changes/cancellations.
Last-minute bookings: $75 fee per booking for inquiries within 7 days of travel that are not possible online via the Virtuoso Booking Portal
Changes and cancellations: We certainly understand and expect cancellations will occur and do our best to accommodate them without charging a fee. In the event changes or cancellations become excessive, we reserve the right to charge a $50 fee per instance.
If you’re not quite ready to book: If you need us to suggest, compare, and / or provide rates for more than two hotels, our Cerulean Hotel Desk is able to do so and help you make your best choice, with a consultation fee of $100 per location.
What if I’m having trouble completing my booking?
If you’re attempting to book on a mobile phone, try using a desktop computer instead. If you still need assistance, please contact us at hotels@ceruleanworldtravel.com